
Showing posts from January, 2021

Blind Date

Last night I had a blind date with American actor, Frances McDormand. It didn't begin that way, but I am so glad we connected. It was my first date in three years. As I drove to the cinema I reminded myself to be kind and open minded; open hearted. Sporting an identifying red scarf, I waited for the stranger to arrive at the table. I try to manage expectations, but there are rogue fantasies that take us into future scenarios. A rolling tape of The Sullivans, Seven Little Australians, the Brady Bunch or Sleepless in Seattle. Time and experience has taught me to be more realistic and to mask disappointment. He arrives. A pleasant smile and glassy eyes, that I suspect have been buoyed with a few steadying beers. I go into journalist mode; asking open questions, digging a little deeper into this man's life to see if there's a hook, a spark, a something. There isn't. I suspect it isn't there for him either. After 30 minutes of polite, friendly conversation I wrap it up,