Suburban Sustainability
At a time when half the world became expert at making sourdough, I turned, like many, to my garden. A long time love of growing plants of all kinds, but particularly edible ones, kicked in and there I was planting, digging and relocating. The process of creating a garden is interesting. In another life when I was married and lived in the bush I loved the garden we created. Planting out became an experiment in patience and as I thumbed through books about growing food in rural areas I started to realise that there would always be compromise. The challenges of growing in rural areas is the competition with possums, wallabies, rats, rogue chickens and sometimes even snakes. At first I'm sure I puffed out my chest in colonialist ignorance and shouted into the paddocks...'I will beat you. I will build fences and make traps and ....' You get the picture. However, as I observed the environment, the behaviour of the animals and our needs as a family, I started going down a differen...